Allcoin API

client module

class allcoin.client.Client(api_key, api_secret, requests_params=None)[source]

Bases: object

API_URL = ''
__init__(api_key, api_secret, requests_params=None)[source]

Allcoin API Client constructor

  • api_key (str.) – Api Key
  • api_secret (str.) – Api Secret
  • requests_params (dict.) – optional - Dictionary of requests params to use for all calls

Get the Ticker for the market

Parameters:symbol (str) – required
ticker = client.get_ticker('eth_btc')
Returns:API response
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
get_order_book(symbol, size=None, merge=None)[source]

Get the Order Book for the market

  • symbol (str) – required
  • size (int) – Default 100; max 100
  • merge (int) – merge depth Default 1; max 100
# default
book = client.get_order_book('eth_btc')

# optional params
book = client.get_order_book('eth_btc', size=5, merge=5)
Returns:API response
    "asks": [
        [792, 5],
        [789.68, 0.018],
        [788.99, 0.042],
        [788.43, 0.036],
        [787.27, 0.02]
    "bids": [
        [787.1, 0.35],
        [787, 12.071],
        [786.5, 0.014],
        [786.2, 0.38],
        [786, 3.217],
        [785.3, 5.322],
        [785.04, 5.04]
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
get_trades(symbol, since=None)[source]

Get the last 600 trades with optional since transaction id parameter

  • symbol (str) – required
  • since (int) – Transaction id (inclusive)
# default
trades = client.get_trades('eth_btc')

# default
trades = client.get_trades('eth_btc', since=230433)
Returns:API response
        "date": "1367130137",
        "date_ms": "1367130137000",
        "price": 787.71,
        "amount": 0.003,
        "tid": "230433",
        "type": "sell"
        "date": "1367130137",
        "date_ms": "1367130137000",
        "price": 787.65,
        "amount": 0.001,
        "tid": "230434",
        "type": "sell"
        "date": "1367130137",
        "date_ms": "1367130137000",
        "price": 787.5,
        "amount": 0.091,
        "tid": "230435",
        "type": "sell"
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
get_trade_history(symbol, since=None)[source]

Get trade history - requires api key

  • symbol (str) – required
  • since (int) – Transaction id (inclusive)
# default
trades = client.get_trade_history('eth_btc')

# default
trades = client.get_trade_history('eth_btc', since=230433)
Returns:API response
        "date": 1367130137,
        "date_ms": 1367130137000,
        "price": 787.71,
        "amount": 0.003,
        "tid": "230433",
        "type": "sell"
        "date": 1367130137,
        "date_ms": 1367130137000,
        "price": 787.65,
        "amount": 0.001,
        "tid": "230434",
        "type": "sell"
        "date": 1367130137,
        "date_ms": 1367130137000,
        "price": 787.5,
        "amount": 0.091,
        "tid": "230435",
        "type": "sell"
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
get_klines(symbol, kline_type, size=None, since=None)[source]

Get klines for a symbol

  • symbol (str) – required
  • kline_type (str) – type of candlestick (1min, 3min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1hour, 2hour, 4hour, 6hour, 12hour, 1day, 3day, 1week)
  • size (int) – number of klines to return
  • since (int) – timestamp in ms to return from
# default
klines = client.get_klines('eth_btc', '1min')

# optional params
klines = client.get_klines('eth_btc', '1hour', size=20, since=1417449600000)
Returns:API response
        1417449600000,  # timestamp
        2339.11,        # open
        2383.15,        # high
        2322,           # low
        2369.85,        # close
        83850.06        # volume
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException

Get account info

# default
info = client.get_userinfo()
Returns:API response
    "info": {
        "funds": {
            "free": {
                "btc": "0",
                "usd": "0",
                "ltc": "0"
            "freezed": {
                "btc": "0",
                "usd": "0",
                "ltc": "0"
    "result": true
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
create_order(symbol, side, price, amount)[source]

Create an order

  • symbol (str) – required
  • side (str) – order side buy/sell
  • price (str) – order price
  • amount (str) – order quantity
# default
order = client.create_order('eth_btc', 'buy', '0.2348', '100')
Returns:API response
    "order_id": "123456",
    "result": true
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
create_buy_order(symbol, price, amount)[source]

Create a buy order

  • symbol (str) – required
  • price (str) – order price
  • amount (str) – order quantity
# default
order = client.create_buy_order('eth_btc', '0.2348', '100')
Returns:API response
    "order_id": "123456",
    "result": true
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
create_sell_order(symbol, price, amount)[source]

Create a sell order

  • symbol (str) – required
  • price (str) – order price
  • amount (str) – order quantity
# default
order = client.create_buy_order('eth_btc', '0.2348', '100')
Returns:API response
    "order_id": "123456",
    "result": true
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
batch_orders(symbol, order_data, order_type=None)[source]

Create an order

  • symbol (str) – required
  • order_data (list of dicts) – list of dictionaries of price, amount and type
  • order_type (str) – optional buy/sell default used if type not set in order_data dict
order_data = [
        "price": "0.0123",
        "amount": "120",
        "type": "sell"
        "price": "0.0112",
        "amount": "110"
order = client.create_order('eth_btc', order_data, type='buy')
Returns:API response
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
cancel_order(symbol, order_id)[source]

Cancel an order or up to 3 orders

  • symbol (str) – required
  • order_id (str) – order ID (multiple orders are separated by a comma ‘,’, 3 orders at most are allowed per request)
# single order
order = client.cancel_order('eth_btc', '123456')

# multiple orders
order = client.cancel_order('eth_btc', '123456,123457,123557')
Returns:API response
# single order id
    "order_id": "123456",
    "result": true

# multiple order ids
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
get_order(symbol, order_id)[source]

Get info about a particular order

  • symbol (str) – required
  • order_id (str) – order ID to fetch
order = client.get_order('eth_btc', '123456')
Returns:API response
    "result": true,
    "orders": [
            "amount": 0.1,
            "avg_price": 0,                 # average transaction price
            "create_date": 1418008467000,   # order time
            "deal_amount": 0,               # filled quantity
            "order_id": 10000591,           # order id
            "price": 500,                   # entrustment price
            "status": 0,                    # 0 = unfilled, 1 = partially filled, 2 = fully filled, 10 = cancelled
            "symbol": "btc_usd",
            "type": "sell"
            "amount": 0.2,
            "avg_price": 0,
            "create_date": 1417417957000,
            "deal_amount": 0,
            "order_id": 10000724,
            "price": 0.1,
            "status": 0,
            "symbol": "btc_usd",
            "type": "buy"
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException

Get info about all open orders

Parameters:symbol (str) – required
order = client.get_open_orders('eth_btc')
Returns:API response
    "result": true,
    "orders": [
            "amount": 0.1,
            "avg_price": 0,                 # average transaction price
            "create_date": 1418008467000,   # order time
            "deal_amount": 0,               # filled quantity
            "order_id": 10000591,           # order id
            "price": 500,                   # entrustment price
            "status": 0,                    # 0 = unfilled, 1 = partially filled, 2 = fully filled, 10 = cancelled
            "symbol": "btc_usd",
            "type": "sell"
            "amount": 0.2,
            "avg_price": 0,
            "create_date": 1417417957000,
            "deal_amount": 0,
            "order_id": 10000724,
            "price": 0.1,
            "status": 0,
            "symbol": "btc_usd",
            "type": "buy"
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
get_orders(symbol, order_status, order_ids)[source]

Get info about multiple orders

  • symbol (str) – required
  • order_status (int) – 0 for unfilled orders; 1 for filled orders
  • order_ids (str) – order IDs to fetch (multiple orders are separated by ‘,’, 50 orders at most are allowed per request)
order = client.get_orders('eth_btc', 1)
Returns:API response
    "result": true,
    "orders": [
            "amount": 0.1,
            "avg_price": 0,                 # average transaction price
            "create_date": 1418008467000,   # order time
            "deal_amount": 0,               # filled quantity
            "order_id": 10000591,           # order id
            "price": 500,                   # entrustment price
            "status": 0,                    # 0 = unfilled, 1 = partially filled, 2 = fully filled, 10 = cancelled
            "symbol": "btc_usd",
            "type": "sell"
            "amount": 0.2,
            "avg_price": 0,
            "create_date": 1417417957000,
            "deal_amount": 0,
            "order_id": 10000724,
            "price": 0.1,
            "status": 0,
            "symbol": "btc_usd",
            "type": "buy"
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException
get_order_history(symbol, order_status, page=1, limit=200)[source]

Get history of orders for a symbol

  • symbol (str) – required
  • order_status (int) – 0 for unfilled orders; 1 for filled orders
  • page (int) – page to fetch
  • limit (int) – amount on each page
order = client.get_order_history('eth_btc', 1)
Returns:API response
        "current_page": 1,
        "orders": [
                "amount": 0,
                "avg_price": 0,
                "create_date": 1405562100000,
                "deal_amount": 0,
                "order_id": 0,
                "price": 0,
                "status": 2,
                "symbol": "btc_usd",
                "type": "sell”
        "page_length": 1,
        "result": true,
        "total": 3
Raises:AllcoinResponseException, BinanceAPIException

exceptions module

exception allcoin.exceptions.AllcoinAPIException(response)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

CODES = {'10006': "User doesn't exist", '10007': 'Signature does not match', '10000': 'Required field, can not be null', '10001': 'Request too frequently', '10002': 'System error', '10008': 'Illegal parameter', '10009': 'Order does not exist', '10028': 'The order has been completed and cannot be cancelled', '10029': 'Users are not authorized to do the operation', '10026': 'Fail to get the info of the trading zone', '10027': 'Your order is revoked, please do not repeat the operation', '10025': 'Wrong order number', '10022': 'Trading zone is closed', '10023': 'Order quantity is out of the time limit', '10031': 'The price has exceeded the daily limitation.', '10030': 'System is under maintaince', '10032': 'The currency purchase has been suspended.', '10019': 'Blacklist user', '10018': 'Out of the valid trading time', '10013': 'Order price is out of range', '10012': 'Only support https request', '10010': 'Insufficient funds', '10017': 'The specified currency does not exist', '10016': 'Failed to get latest transaction price', '10033': 'The currency sale has been suspended.', '10014': 'Insufficient coins quantity', '10034': 'Pass KYC level 1 to continue'}
exception allcoin.exceptions.AllcoinRequestException(message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception
